For Gliding on the Central Coast of NSW
What it will cost to fly
1. First, we recommend that you purchase an Air Experience Flight, to first try gliding, meet our members, and see the club. If you then want to continue your flight training, you can join the club.
2. Join as a member of the club - see pricing options below.
3. Join as a member of the Gliding Federation of Australia.
Membership fees from 1st July 2024:
Full 12 months: $399 (Pro rata $33.25 per month July-June)
Full-time students, Juniors (Under 18), Family and Associate Members:
50% of Full fee: $199
Flying Fees
Winch Launch : $35
Students, Juniors $25
Private gliders $30
Glider air time $1.00 per minute ($60/hr)
First 15 min air time free for club 2 seaters (excluding DG1001M).
Airfield Daily Levy $6 per person
Flight INSTRUCTION IS FREE to members
by our highly qualified and experienced volunteer instructors.
Club bank account details:
BSB 032 669
ACC: 150250
To purchase an Air Experience Flight:

To become a member, you need to:
Attend a flying day at the club
Complete membership and application forms
Be nominated by two current club members
Pay the requisite annual membership fee
You should attend the club before applying to be flying a member so that you are aware of how we operate and what will be required in our voluntary organisation.
If you decide to join, we will invoice you for the membership subscription and email the membership applications and nomination forms for you to fill out and return (or bring with you to the club).