We have resumed flying and had a successful weekend last Saturday and Sunday. We worked out procedures for cleanliness and tried new methods of communication using mobile phones.
All pilots to fly with gloves and a mask.
Aircraft controls and surfaces touched to be wiped down after every flight.
Prior to getting into the cockpit you should spray your gloved hands with the disinfectant provided. If you have your own mask, bring it. There is a small supply available if you do not have one. Gloves are supplied.
A washing station has been set up on the front Eastern side of the hangar. Use it. Water, soap handwash and paper towels are provided.
A supply of anti viral handwash is available. Use it when necessary.
Wherever possible, maintain the standard social distancing and ensure you wear PPE (gloves and mask) if in the cockpit.
Whenever doing a DI or doing anything inside a glider put on a fresh pair of gloves.
Wearing gloves and a mask in the cockpit minimises the cleaning required.. Before a new pilot flies, the controls should be wiped over.
Avoid touching anything in the glider unless wearing a new pair of gloves and sanitising your gloved hands.
If you feel unwell for any reason do not come.
Minimise use of the club house. Maintain social distance whenever in the clubhouse.
If you feel uncomfortable about any procedure, notify the duty instructor.
Graeme Martin