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Back to Flying!

Writer's picture: GraemeGraeme

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

After a week or so of relatively fine weather, the airstrip has dried out enough to become useable

However! There are still a lot of squishy patches that must be avoided both by gliders landing and vehicles.

Southern end: The section which was previously gravelled is fine - but it is only about 3 metres wide. This may be used for landings and tow backs if possible (subject to operational safety and convenience). We flew from the Southern end last Sunday and it worked fine. Runway 35 is OK for landing in most parts but still a bit soft. You need to take a rag out to the fieldfor cleaning of the PW6 tailplane every few flights as it gets some mud sprayed up on it when landing.

We had a rope break and the parachute, trace and some rope unavoidably landed in the adjoining orchard with consequent expense incurred.. The rope break was because the rope had a couple of loops in it from a rebound in the rope from a back release with the PW6. These loops or knots create weak spots in the rope when they pull tight on a launch. If any back releases occur, the rope should be checked for a couple of hundred metres back from the parachute to check for kinks and loops before launching. This is a must in order to avoid a possible rope break - especially when there is any westerly component of the wind which will carry it over the orchard.

Also, a reminder, in any cross wind appropriate layoff must be done, In the rope break last Sunday it occurred when the glider was over the orchard. If more layoff had been done, we would likely have avoided the drop into the orchard.

Northern End: We haven't flown that end yet. Flying Thursday and Saturday likely to be flying from the Southern end. Sunday will possibly be from the North,

Thursday winds are forecast moderate to Strong Northerlies. Should be good launched - but care needs to be taken in the circuit not to get to low on the approach. Give yourself plenty of height in the circuit.

On Saturday it will be moderate to strong West/North Westerlies according to the forecast.

Sunday a more or less direct Westerly is forecast.

On both days winds of around of 10kts gusting to over 20 kts are forecast

Extreme care will need to be taken with layoff when launching in these conditions.


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