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Ground Training Sessions

Writer's picture: GraemeGraeme

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

Information and training sessions will be given for any members that wish to attend:

With the continuing wet weather, it is anticipated that the strip will not be useable until at least a week or two after the persistent rain has stopped. In the meantime, we will be providing ground training and simulator sessions for members, ,especially new trainees. Some topics will also be of interest and use to established members as a refresher.

Please do an RSVP to attend on a day that has a training event published if you would like to come to any of them.

The simulator will also be available. On Sundays, some official training will be done on the sim for new trainees (Introduction to basic flying concepts and skills). On other days it will be available both for some sim training and general usage provided here is a sim qualified member available to set it up and control it.

For ground training sessions/lessons, attendance by new trainees is highly recommended. As a guide, if not two or more attending a session, it may be cancelled.

Initially, sessions will be aimed at newer members. More established members are welcome to come and participate, They may have their knowledge usefully rereshed.

We will also conduct ground training sessions for the more advanced topics covering lessons 5 to 26 in the GFA trainig schedule and possibly others in the advanced sequences 27 to 44.. As well as new trainees, established members and will benefit from some of these. Notice of these will be given in the Events table on the website.

Ground Training Sessions

Lessons as delineated in the new GFA Syllabus -as shown in the Glider PIlot Log Book.

Members should download the relevant trainer documents from GFA prior to attending sessions.'

Simulator sessions

Members can obtain training on the simulator for certain flight sequences when a Sim Instructor is available.

NOTE: As a refresher for established pilots, attendance for a session on some of the GFA topics may be made compulsory before an annual check is completed. This is to bring all our pilots up to the standard that is now expected of all trainees under the new GFA training syllabus. Any compulsory topics will be notified on the club forum.

Initially, the topic of Lookout will be a compulsory one for all pilots. (This can be done before or after any flying day as seems convenient).

Planned this weekend 16, 17 July

Saturday 16th July 10.00 am to 3.30 pm, Graeme Martin

Ground training sessions Graeme Martin

10.00 am 10.30 am - Quick refresher Lessons 1 to 4 , Ground Handling, Principles of flight, Lookout.,

10.30 am - 11.30 am More advanced topics (eg Stalls, Winch Launching as seems appropriate to the situation of attendees)

Break at 11.30 am for 1/2 hr

12.00 pm - 1.00 pm More advanced topics (Stalls, Circuits?)

1.00 pm - 2.00 pm Lunch at the club or at "The Hub" 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm - Informal discussions, questions on further theory training if appropriate

Advanced Topics - Stalls, Winch Launching, Circuits - For more advanced trainees New lesser advanced trainees are welcome to be involved if they want to (but will likely to need to refresh these again once they are more advanced) GM.

A Minimum of two new trainees/members participating is required or an event may be cancelled.

Sunday's 17th July 8.30 am t0 1.00 pm and 2.00pm to 3..30 if anyone wants to continue

9.30 am Simulator training session : Todd Chapman

10.00 am 1.00pm - Ground training sessions Graeme Martin and Todd Chapman

and further Sim training for new trainees, Break at 11.30 am for 1/2 hr

12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Sim training for new trainees. Flight Controls, and More advanced topics eg Stalls, Winch Launching if it seems appropriate for the attendees.

1.00 pm - 2.00 pm Lunch at the club or at "The Hub" 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm - Informal discussions, questions further theory training if appropriate

Advanced Topics - Stalls, Winch Launching, Circuits - Generally For more advanced trainees New lesser advanced trainees are welcome to be involved if they want (but will likely to need to do a refresher again once they are more advanced) GM.

Ground training sessions for new trainees covering Lessons 1 to 4

Lookout (TC) - This is a COMPULSORY topic for ALL TRAINEES Before proceeding to later lessons. It is ALSO COMPULSORY FOR ALL PILOTS for an annual check.

Controls, Effects of controls. Flight aerodynamics and forces, Coordination (GM)

GFA - how it runs, what you have to do and where you can go with it, How to obtain training guides and documentation. stablished members will benefit from information about how they may be affected by the changes occurring in GFA.

Advanced Topics - Stalls, Winch Launching, Circuits - Generally For more advanced trainees if it seems appropriate to move onto this for some or all trainees. New lesser advanced trainees are welcome to be involved if they want (but will likely to need to do a refresher again once they are more advanced) GM.

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