No Flying on Saturday 8th as No attendees registered to come. Aslo weather is not looking very good.
Sunday, aircraft will be being derigged for Gloucester in the afternoon after flying. All those booked in for Gloucester should plan to attend if they can.
There will be no winch flying at Mangrove from 15 August to 23rd August. If desired Dimona motor glider flights can be arranged by calling Graeme Martin 0414 635 047.
It is expected that those who take part in the Gloucester camp give a hand to rig aircraft back at Mangrove after the camp on Sunday 23rd or during the next week so that normal club flying can recommence as soon as practicable.
Depends a bit on what's happening. I'd say about 3.30 pm and after. G.
Hi Graeme and all, I’ll come over for derigging only. What time should I turn up? Cheers.